Friday, October 17, 2008

How To Snag A Girl Like Ciara.


R & B diva Ciara has the focus of a professional athlete. So it’s not surprising the former high-school track star found her inspiration on ESPN. "I take my motivation from athletes—basketball players in particular," she says. " I love Michael Jordan. You can tell he chose to work hard to set himself outside the pack. That energy motivates me."

When it comes to dating, Ciara wants a man with the same intensity she has. "I like for a guy to have his own thing going on, a strong drive and focus—because that motivates me," she says. "You can tell it's there when you talk to him, but it also shows in the way he carries himself—how he moves around a room. That confidence shows through. It's really intriguing to me, and I need to see this sort of great potential before I even talk to a guy."

Ciara's Tips:

• Concentrate on what's inside. "Even if you want to move fast, you need to pump the brakes every now and then so you can learn about the person behind that cute face."
• Learn with lightness. "I like to go out to dinner and the movies. These are things that give you the opportunity to learn about a person's tastes—what they laugh at. That says a lot."
• Mind your manners. "It's important for a guy to be a gentleman. I like some toughness, but not too much. He has to take the time to understand who I am."