Wednesday, December 3, 2008

NBC's Heroes Season 3 Episodes For Download!!

Hey guys!! So the masterminds at VANTAGE have been continuously devising more ways to make this site more enjoyable for our readers! We provide you guys updates with upcoming movies, TV shows, music, fashion, tech, and cars. So what more can we provide right? Well, today marks the first day that VANTAGE makes episodes for TV shows available for download!!! So for those who don't wanna wait for the shows to premiere here in the Philippines, or have no time to buy the DVD's, then today's your lucky day cuz we're providing you with your solution!! We'll be updating you with the latest episodes as they're released in the States!

We start this segment off with NBC's hit show, Heroes!

Season 3 of Heroes picks up right after the finale of season 2. You will learn more about the Heroes' families, new abilities will arise, the ominous level 5 is introduced, and this season they bring in, VILLAINS!!

Now since this is just an intro to this segment, some comments would be greatly appreciated! Let us know what you guys think, and if you'd like this segment to stay! Anyways, hope you guys enjoy!! This season's been great!!!

What do you think? Comment!!

"Mastermind Mikko, signing out!"