Wednesday, December 3, 2008

BMW Incorporates "Surface"

In light of Mastermind Gio's Oakley customization post, I thought I'd post something very similar, but way cooler! Hahahaha! Sorry G.

Nowadays, customizing your kicks, your shades, you clothing has never been easier! Heck, yo can do all this online and never have to leave your seat!! Today BMW joins the party! And no, I'm not talking about customizing your own beemer or anything like that! I'm talking about picking out the beemer for you by just using the Microsoft Surface! Let me shed some light for those still in the dark!

BMW is now using the Microsoft Surface tech to make shopping for a car a little easier. You can literally view all the specs you need to know, pick out the design and size of your rims, and even choose the color of your interior and exterior by using the interactive swatches. Cool huh?? This software developed by Vectorform for BMW. You'll be able to e-mail the info you gather, or choose to save it on a flash drive right there and then! Oh, and did i mention, you'll be able to compare different models on the screen as well.

I think this is a great idea! It's definitely a big step-up form them brochures most car dealerships still use. It's like they say in the vid, it definitely helps in visualizing what the car will look like! I definitely think more dealerships need to start adopting this idea simply because it makes it easier for the customoers, it makes them more involved with the details, and simply because it's a lot of fun!! So if any of you live in Germany, and is a rich bastard, head over to BMW now and try this out!! Let VANTAGE know what it's like!!

What do you think? Comment!