Friday, October 17, 2008

Kanye West: Heartless

"This Is So Going In My Blog,"

Kanye West's "Love Lockdown" was eagerly awaited, but only received a luke warm reception. This is rare when it comes to Kanye West's first singles for his albums. But Kanye returns with his second single, "Heartless." This is yet another highly anticipated single, so will this be another let down? You decide. This isn't the mastered version yet, but we all know the difference isn't that big. 808's & Heartbreak drops down November 25th.

Between "Love Lockdown" and "Heartless", I'd have to say that "Love Lockdown" was better, by far. I like the fact that Kanye is experimenting with his sound and trying new stuff, but this single just doen't cut it for me. Check it.

What do you think? Comment!

Download Below: 

Remember where u heard it first!

"True Story"