Friday, October 17, 2008

" Don't Vote " Campaign....

"This Is So Going In My Blog,"

Let's face it, everyone knows about the financial crisis in America right? If you don't, then I think you need to watch more TV. Anyways, The United States is  experiencing one of the biggest financial disasters in American history. It's gotten so bad that the celebrities have decided to campaign for this year's elections so that the proper leader is elected!

I know this may seem irrelevant to us here in The Philippines, but let me say this. The States was once considered the world's "superpower", and if this crisis continues, then it'll only be a matter of time til our country feels the hurt. We've already sorta felt it. In my opinion, Obama needs to win. Trust me! Check the video out, it's prettly cool, very star-studded. 

What do you think? Comment!

"True Story"


Anonymous said...

in my opinion, both candidates seem like wrong fits for the job but with all the damage that has been done by bush, nobody capable wants to take on the role of cleaning up the mess. obama seems incompetent and mccain seems to have the wrong ideas on how to go about things. biden is alright and palin is a blundering moron who needs to stay a soccer mom. i just wish america the best because there is no way in hell that anything is going to turn around just because obama wins because there has just been too much damage done and neither him nor mccain can do much about it. it will take about 4 terms for us to see change.

Mikko T. said...

you make some strong points, and I agree with u completely. but the election of the right leader is definitely step 1 for America.