Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen UPDATES!!!
Don't know how many, if any, follow my news bout the upcoming Transformers live-action sequel, but for a HUGE fan like me, I just gotta post it. Just going to be quick bout these, so here we go...
When Robert Orci (writer) was asked about triple changers, he said,
"Talked about it. Does a combiner count? We figure a triple changer is a good idea for part 3."
This is pretty much a NO but it does confirm that there will be combiners! (more on that later)
Roberto and fellow writers Alex Kurtzman and Ehren Kruger have "talked about" the possibility of Optimus Prime combining with another robot or even his trailer! During a Hasbro Italy 2009 Brand Preview though, it was revealed that Transformers Movie Optimus Prime will COMBINE with Jetfire in Revenge of the Fallen! It would've been cool to combine with his trailer but this sounds cool too. Though questions regarding scaling (Jetfire is a Blackbird) come to mind.
"Talked about it. Does a combiner count? We figure a triple changer is a good idea for part 3."
This is pretty much a NO but it does confirm that there will be combiners! (more on that later)
Roberto and fellow writers Alex Kurtzman and Ehren Kruger have "talked about" the possibility of Optimus Prime combining with another robot or even his trailer! During a Hasbro Italy 2009 Brand Preview though, it was revealed that Transformers Movie Optimus Prime will COMBINE with Jetfire in Revenge of the Fallen! It would've been cool to combine with his trailer but this sounds cool too. Though questions regarding scaling (Jetfire is a Blackbird) come to mind.

Also, for all of you who have been trying to guess what Soundwave will turn into, when asked if anyone had been correct on their guess of Soundwave's alternate mode, Roberto's response was,
"I don't think so, but I haven't seen all the guesses."
The Hasbro Licensing Summit 2008 at Malaysia Kuala Lumpur has also revealed the identity of the Chevy Corvette as Sideswipe! The second revelation is confirmation of Ravage in Revenge of the Fallen. Ravage is described as having a very raw beast mode.
"I don't think so, but I haven't seen all the guesses."
The Hasbro Licensing Summit 2008 at Malaysia Kuala Lumpur has also revealed the identity of the Chevy Corvette as Sideswipe! The second revelation is confirmation of Ravage in Revenge of the Fallen. Ravage is described as having a very raw beast mode.
Also revealed is that the Devastator toy will merge (from the Constructicons) to become a Supreme sized figure. This is a good confirmation that Devastator will be in the film. Images of the Leader-class Optimus Prime and Megatron figures were shown, reconfirming that Megatron does indeed now have a tank as his vehicle mode and that the Optimus Prime figure will be a new mold with a new transformation. Seems like its true that Megatron will be back in the sequel. Time to team up with his brother Optimus and fight The Fallen? Maybe maybe...
There are still a lotta wraps on this movie but quite a lot of stuff has been revealed, slowly but surely. It really seems to be shaping up like a huge film and I cant bloody wait! Someone out there hack Michael Bay's computer for some pics! Anyways, for your viewing pleasure, here are some new pics of some of the Autobots on set:

There are still a lotta wraps on this movie but quite a lot of stuff has been revealed, slowly but surely. It really seems to be shaping up like a huge film and I cant bloody wait! Someone out there hack Michael Bay's computer for some pics! Anyways, for your viewing pleasure, here are some new pics of some of the Autobots on set:

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