Saturday, October 4, 2008


This is just a lil something for our readers out there who... for some reason... may be wondering about the authors here at Vantage. What are they like, what do they look like, what kinda cars do they drive? The first two will come in time, so watch out for that, but the latter, I can give you a peak of now!

We got the brand spanking new GT-R, black on black... we've got special edition Gallardo, a 6-series for those days when we wanna be more low key, a Porsche 911 Turbo (you gta go turbo!), and when we wanna be spotted for special occasions or Sunday drives, BAM!!! Ferrari F430 & a Mercedes McLaren SLR!

For those who dont already know, we're just playin with ya'll! I wouldn't say our real personal rides are that of the ordinary, but compared to these, its like night and day!

So who owns these sweet rides? If you're from the Philippines, you may have guessed it... a government official... to be more specific, a congressman. So yeah, this is what you get when you're in politics in the Philippines, one of the most corrupt countries in the world! Who knows, this guy could be the nicest guy ever, but is this what you get when you're supposed to be "serving the country?" Wads and wads of cash? More like, MILKING THE COUNTRY. Man, I should stop blogging and just be a Senator or something.

I could rant all day long but I'm sure its nothing you guys who know our country first hand, haven't already heard.
So anyway, what are your sentiments? Comment Comment!