Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Only A Matter Of Time Til this Happened....

"This Is So Going In My Blog,"

A chic restaurant in London called, Inamo is currently gaining some popularity and it's not because of their excellent food or great service.....but because they are giving their customers a totally new experince. A digital experience. This restaurant provides touch-sensitive tabletops that project colorful menus and aesthetic patterns. While deciding what to eat, customers will be able to view pics of the dishes as if they were really in front of them. Not only can they view their dishes, but they can also place their orders on these things, and even look up neighborhood services.

I think this is an awesome idea. It'll definitely make ordering a lot easier for customers. You'll never have to worry about your waiter hearing your order wrong or forgetting about your order. With these tables, ordering will definitely be more efficient. Now, with that aside, this table will also attract customers just like it has for Inamo. People will pay for a digital experience, I know I would!

What do you guys think? Comment!

For more info: Visit Engadget

Here are some pics:


ErSH said...

tang-"inamo" haha! thought thats what the post was gona be about