Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A New Look....

VANTAGE has been up for about 3 months now, and we've had about 3000 hits. 1000 a month is pretty good, but we want more, more, MOOOOORE!! But anyways, the VANTAGE team has decided to celebrate our 3 month anniversary by giving our site a facelift! For fans of the old layout, don't worry, we've basically kept the whole feel of the site the same, so the site will feel new, but it'll still feel familiar. And for our future readers, we hope they enjoy it.

Not only have we given our site a new look, but we've also added a new segment! If you guys look to the right side, you'll notice that we've added our "Poll Segment." We'll basically be asking questions related to the topics we talk about here on the site, as well as random questions we come up with out of the blue. It's basically our way of trying to interact some more with our readers. The questions will change on a weekly basis so it should be a lot of fun. Now it's only fitting that the first question be related to our facelift, so please, feel free to vote and let us know what you think! Be honest, you won't hurt our feelings. Hehehe!

What do you guys think? Comment!

"True Story"