Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Kanye West: Love Lockdown Video

"This Is So Going In My Blog,"

Kanye West has just released his music video for his single, "Love Lockdown," off his 4th studio album, 808 & Heartbreak. Kanye West has decided to move the album's release date to November. He was quoted saying, "I changed my album to November something cause I finished it, and I felt I like it..I want y'all to hear it as soon as possible." The album will be out November 25th, so keep a look out. The second single off the album will be, "Heartless."

This song took awhile to grow on me, but now that it has, I love it! I play it all the time, and I can't get enough. And the video for it just as good! You guys know Kanye never half-asses any of his sh*t. Anyways, here's the vid! Hope you guys enjoy it!

Download Below:

Remember where u saw this first!

"True Story"