Monday, October 20, 2008

Icono Phone Concept

"This Is So Going In My Blog,"

Did any of you guys ever think that the iconic telephone hand gesture would ever become functional? Yeah, me niether. But today we are all proven very wrong. Zinc Chan has created a concept phone that invites its users to actually use the hand gesture. This is called the, "Icono Phone." The phone is composed of two parts, a headphone, and a microphone. When dialing, an animated dialer appears on the touch screen. The touch screen leaves a path as the person dials so we can acutally remember the unique pattern of a persons number, rather than the actual phone number.

I like the idea of this concept. It'll definitely give its users a whole new experience when using the phone. I wonder about the quality though? Will the way its used affect its clarity or reception? If not, then I welcome this idea. I mean, who isn't sick to their stomach with their boring ass telephones? And we haven't really seen anything new in telephone tech since cord-less phones. I think it's about time people bring in new tech.

For more info: Zinc Chan Portfolio

What do you think? Comment!

"True Story"