Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"The Graysons" Coming To The CW

"This Is So Going In My Blog,"

With Smallville nearing its end, The CW is currently looking for new prospects to fill the "superhero" void. One project that we might be seeing fly into our TV sets is, The Graysons. For all you comic book fans out there, I'm sure you guys already know what I'm talking about.

Smallville producers, Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson are currently working with director/producer McG to develop a show about Batman's sidekick, Robin. Yup, you guys heard right. This show will see Robin in the lead role. Not Batman, ROBIN!

Just like Smallville telling the story of Clark Kent's teenage life before becoming Superman, The Graysons will revolve around DJ Grayson's years before pairing up with caped crusader, Batman and becoming the iconic, Robin. Yeah, I said iconic.

While this show can potentially be the replacement for Smallville, it could also work as a companion piece if Smallville were to go for another season.

The Graysons will be a one hour show, and will talk about DJ Grayson's first loves, early rivals, and his family as he grows up. Souders and Peterson have already stated that they have come up with an original take on the character.

I don't really know what to say about this. I mean it's Robin. Who makes a show about Robin? If The CW was looking for another superhero show to replace Smallville, they definitely should've aimed higher. You can't replace a Superman show with a Robin show. I say, use The Flash or revive the Aquaman pilot that was put to rest a couple of years ago! But that's just my opinion.

Here's the trailer for the Aquaman Pilot:

You guys can download the pilot at Mininova

What do you think? Comment!

"True Story"