Eagle Eye: What Did You Think?
"This Is So Going In My Blog,"
Eagle Eye stars Shia Labeouf (Transformers), Michelle Monaghan (MI:3), Rosario Dawson (Alexander), and Billy Bob Thornton (Armageddon). The movie is produced by Academy Award winner, Steven Spielberg, and directed by Dj Caruso.
The movie revolves around Jerry (Labeouf) and Rachel (Monaghan). The two are framed as two people they aren't, and coerced into carrying out a plan to eliminate the country's leaders.
I saw this movie for a few reasons: 1. It's produced by Steven Spielberg. 2. It stars Shia Labeouf. 3. The trailer looked f*cking awesome! The movie is very fast paced, and really keeps you on the edge of your seats the entire time with a lot of kick ass action sequences. The premise of the movie is very cool, but also very predictable. I figured it out from the get-go. The story actually reminded me a lot of I, Robot. Watch it and you'll see. I thought the casting was perfect. Labeouf and Monaghan gave solid performances, as well as their co stars. Labeouf is argueably the fastest rising star today, and I always thought Billy Bob Thornton was made for these kind of movies. Overall, I give this movie a 4 out of 5. It's very well paced, action sequences are awesome, performances were great, and quite frankly, the movie is just a lot of fun! I recommend this movie for those who are fans of the whole espionage, spy genre.
The movie is out now, so get off your ass and see it! What did you think? Comment!
"True Story"
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