Monday, June 1, 2009

Could This Be The Next iPhone 3G?

MacRumors is claiming that this could very well be the next iPhone 3G. As you can see, it basically looks like the current 3G but with a matte finish.

Now as most of you should know, all this is simply rumor, and Apple has yet to confirm these leaked photos. Stay tuned for updates.

When I look at this picture, I do think that the matte finish looks cool, but I always thought that the new iPhone's look was gonna change considerably. I mean, if we compare the first-gen iPhone to the 3G, we can see that there's a pretty big difference, so I assumed it would be the same for the next-gen 3G. Now whether or not this is the final look, I can't say, but I seriously hope not. If this is the new iPhone, then I think I'd stick to my shiny white. But I guess it's all preference. I mean, this should be more scratch resistant.

What do you think? Comment!!