Friday, October 31, 2008

Microsoft SecondLight

"This Is So Going In My Blog,"

Microsoft recently announced their Microsoft SecondLight. For those who haven't heard, the SecondLight is similar to their recently released Microsoft Surface, but with a little added something of course. Microsoft released explanations of how this new product would be used, but released very little visual aides, so no one knew for sure what this was gonna be like. Well, they've finally released a vid showing everyone what they have in store for us.

The SecondLight is basically a dual-projection image. Now for those who didn't understand that, what it means is that, the table basically acknowledges where it's being touched, and projects a second alternate image. Sorta like magic. If you guys still don't get what I'm saying, then just watch the frikkin' vid. Hahahaha! 

All I can really say about Microsoft's latest creation is, "D-a-y-u-m" This thing is crazy. I mean, it looks really complicated to me right now, but I'm sure that once you learn to work this contraption, it'll definitely be really useful, and lots of fun.

What do you think? Comment!

"True Story"