Heroes Season 3: Villains
"This Is So Going In My Blog"
Anybody still remember the hit show "Heroes"? The T.V. show about regular people discovering they have special abilities, blah blah blah! Anyways, as a result of the Writer's Strike last year, a lot of shows were cut short or even cancelled, and this included "Heroes".
Well, Heroes is returning this September with a 3 hour premiere! With the first hour being a recap of past episodes! This seasons theme is titled, "Villains". This season, we'll definitely see our heroes go up against super-villains, and maybe we'll even see a hero or two stray to the dark side. Scandalous!!
Villains was supppose to be the second part of last season until the producers had to cut it short because of the strike! Damn Strike!!
With characters such as Peter, Claire, Matt, and even Sylar returning, this season might just be the season we all wanted to see last year! (Crossing my fingers!!)
So what do u guys think? Does Heroes still have what it takes to re-capture what they had two years ago? Or have they just been gone for too long? Let me know! COMMENT!
I on the other hand am still a fan! I believe they have what it takes! "Heroes" is probably one of the most awaited shows for this Fall season, if not the most awaited! "What-up"
"True Story"
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