Thursday, March 19, 2009

PS3, arguably the best system to date?

There has been so much talk on in the gaming industry today about the console wars, and the Playstation 3, after the insurmountable success of the PS2, has been very lackluster. Yes, on paper, its been a great let down for Sony, a loss for every console sold, wiping out the PS2's profits, but at the end of the day, which is THE BEST console on the consumer's side of things, for us?

....Here at Vantage, its the PS3 hands down!

Sure sure, the Nintendo Wii has been the top grosser out of the 3, with Microsoft's Xbox 360 in a far 2nd and the PS3 in dead last. But as a consumer, as the gamer, who cares about those numbers?! As long as we're getting quality games and the bang for our buck in our systems, we're happy. I know I'm probably going to get a lotta ish for all this, but here we go...

So lets tackle some of the main arguements here, and lets start with one of the main purchasing points, PRICE. Taken from, here's the break down...

Playstation 3 (80GB) - $399
Xbox 360 (Elite) - $399
Nintendo Wii - $249

The PS3 and the X360 both go for $399, while the Wii is considerably cheaper... but why? Lets face it, the Wii has nothing. Old tech, no Blu-Ray or HD, no hard disk, its basically a PS2 with funky controllers! Im sorry, buts its garbage for what it comes with, so Nintendo, your out, simple as that. With the format wars (Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD) long decided, and Blu-Ray coming on top, the 360 is now on old technology as well. For the same price, you already get a Blu-Ray player in the PS3. You can argue that you can always just buy a Blu-Ray player, yes, but that would be at least another $150 bucks, so you're already losing with regards to price. Another agrument would be that the Elite has more hard disk space and indeed it does, but gamers today arent like those in yesteryear, changing a hard disk in a PS3 is easy peazy. For roughly the $150 a 360 player spends for a Blu-Ray player, they can already buy a 1TB hard disk for their PS3. 1TB vs 120GB? Not even a contest!

The PS3's demographics are the older gamers, (around 16+) but lets not underestimate the younger gamers of today. They are much more educated in these things now than we were at their age. Some argue that the young population is growing or is bigger than our generation, but I disagree. Let's not forget the baby boom and those born in the 80's where games never die. Yes we are going through an economic crisis and some may say the 360 or the Wii are much more friendly to the pocket, and theyre right... at first glance. But when you look deeper, Sony was so far ahead of our time that we didnt realize how much was packed in the PS3. We didnt need all those features before and thus, Sony did cut down on some optical slots, but now that we've caught up, we realize that they were all there for a reason. The 360 Elite does come with HDMI, backwards compatibility, a headset and an ethernet port, but the lower end ones don't come with jack! No HDMI, no WiFi, tiny hard disk space. I mean, cmon, how can you not have WiFi?! The PS3 has and had all of these from the get go. Though the PS3 took out its backwards capability, who really needs it? Half the world has a PS2 and the original Xbox was CRAP anyway! The PS3 an all in one entertainment device. All you need is a TV and your PS3 and your entertainment area is done! Oh, and did I mention the rumored PS3 price cut? Sony has denied these rumors, and we'll probably have confirmation in the next month, but if it were true, if the PS3 shoots down to $300, how can the others even compete with what it has as well as the lower price? MS, are you scared yet? And for those, like THIS DOUCHE, saying the PS3's rumored price cut isnt going to make a difference, umm... are you stupid? $50 bucks more than a Wii, $50 cheaper than a 360, how can it not?! ... especially with the games coming out in '09.

So how bout games? For me, thats the greatest selling point a console has, its exclusives. The PS3 did start slow, promising this and that and not delivering. They definitely lost out and with MS buying out a lot of their exclusives, (Gran Theft, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil etc...) and adding their own such as Forza, Gears of War and Halo among others. MS started great, started on top. But Sony is slowly catching up only now in 2009. Will this year be Sony's year? Yes, I believe it will. Big name exclusives are finally hitting the PS3, starting out with Killzone 2 (which is out now), Gran Turismo 5, Uncharted 2, God of War 3, Heavy Rain, Tekken, Infamous and more! My theory on this is that it was rumored that the PS3 was incredibly hard to work with at first, (remember, Sony was ahead of our time!) but now they've gotten the hang of it and we are reaping the rewards!

Now, with games that are present on the same console such as newly released Street Figher IV and Resident Evil, Sony's versions are toppling over the 360's. But hey, like I said, lets keep this about the gamer. PS3 arguably has better graphics, if not, they have so much more potential. Game developers are looking to make games in the large scale, offering the gamer huge backdrops, arenas, cities, etc... and as consumers, we are demanding for such. The HD-DVD that the 360 uses will just not cut it anymore. To my knowledge, (please correct me if im wrong) HD-DVD's can hold 20gb of space, while Blu-Ray's can hold up t0 80gb of space! What about dual sided Blu-Rays?! You get the picture.

Today, with games comes the importance of multiplayer/online. Gamers arent content anymore with games from start to finish, they want replayability. Take Call of Duty 4 as an example, one of the best FPS games of all time, I didnt even play the single player campaign at all, but I played multiplayer for a good year! PS3's online modes are FREE. Yes, FREE! 360, you have to subscribe and pay a monthly/yearly fee. Umm... do I really have to explain this? You might be thinking, how bout the Wii? Well, that again is junk. Games are childish and yes, they have sold the most consoles, but you must admit, it was a phase. Everyone was taken aback by the controls and so was I (I have all 3 consoles). But in recent polls, it was shown that most people who have bought the Wii are now just using it for display purposes, collecting dust, which includes mine, just another piece of furniture. And have you tried playing a game online on the Wii? L-A-G! It's also rare to find a game to play online in the first place!

What else can we discuss? We've took on the price, what the consoles come with, games, online play, what more is there? How about things are shallow as looks? Sure this can be extremely relative, but personally, the PS3 outshines its competitors (and yes, it SHINES!). It is bigger, but not by much compared to the dated looking 360. Special edition version of the PS3 console have also been something to look at! From white to black, matte to shiny, some with graphics and designs etc... The Wii, yes its cute and small, but not when you attach all the wires behind it.

So at the end of the day,
what console gives you more bang to your buck? ...the PS3
what console has free online play? ...the PS3
what console is going to dominate when it comes to games? ...the PS3

and what console is the best? ...the PS3. NO DOUBT!


Unknown said...

Geez, this was the most fanboyish blog I read in a long time. No, I do not own all three consoles, I only have the PS3, but the difference between the 360 and PS3 are not that big.

Anonymous said...

Good points but the 360 fanboys will slaughter you for that so be careful, lol.

Anonymous said...

to casual, actually. it is pretty big. i also only own a ps3. and will own a 360 soon. but cmon dude. bluray, free online, the cellprocessor, it also has double the ammount of spu's the 360 has i think.

ErSH said...

i would also say its pretty big. cuz imagine, for the same price, you get so much more in the ps3. the only good thing about the 360 i would say is the ability to buy fake games. haha! just in case though, i dont mean to put anyone down, like the title says, "arguably." its just our vantage... our point of view :)

Anonymous said...

If you're going to write an artical like this at least get your facts right. I own both a 360 and a PS3 and both have pluses and minuses.

All 360s now come with HDMI and have done for some time. Also your figures for HD DVD and Blu Ray capacity are completely wrong. It would have taken all of 10 seconds to look that up and check.

You state "The 360 Elite does come with HDMI, backwards compatibility, a headset and an ethernet port, but the lower end ones don't come with jack!". I think you'll find the lower end ones come with all of the above minus the headset, which incidentally a PS3 doesn't include either.

ErSH said...

i also have all the consoles dawgs. and like i posted, "correct me if im wrong," and so im fine with that. i didnt claim to know it, it was just off the top of my head.

thats my bad on the ethernet part, yup, it does. but no hdmi cable and no wifi net. yes, they do both have plus' and minuses, which i also wrote about. remember, "arguably" and this is just our point of view. chillax. haha

Anonymous said...

actually. back then the 360 had no hdmi. i know they changed that now. maybe they knew they needed it? i dont know.

and with the whole blu vs hd dvd. ms supported hd to fight bluray. guess what? they lost.

ErSH said...

i took my 10 seconds to check... i said 20gb? well, its 15gb for single and 30gb for dual layered. am i that far off? haha. so 15gb is even worse than the 20gb i stated and 30gb is a lil better. how bout, 22.5gb then? haha!

Anonymous said...

Tekken exclusive????

If you mean the old Tekken 5 Dark Ressurection then yes but Tekken 6 is coming out on Xbox 360........

Get your facts right.

Anonymous said...

damn dude. attacking everyting he says? chillax for a bit.

ErSH said...

its rumored that tekken will have another version for the ps3. but anyway, chillax man. im sorry im not the grandfather of all knowledge! haha

Anonymous said...

Good one - but the 360 uses DVD-9, not HD-DVD, that was an add-on to watch HD-DVDs. So the DVD-9 holds even less than 20gb or whatever.

ErSH said...

^there you go. good job my friend! :) hehe

ErSH said...

so i actually made the 360 look better than it should have! haha! my bad! hehe

Hugh said...

lol, I own all three consoles and I've got to disagree.

You pointed out so much but missed out on the biggest factor of video gaming.


The Wii is fun, hands down.

The 360 is too if you're into online gaming (I'm not too into it).

and the PS3 (which honestly is the console I play the most right now) it has that, but at the same time it doesn't give me that feeling unless I'm in a game.

Motorstorm is great, MGS4 is great, Killzone 2 is great, Resistance 2 is great and Little Big Planet is great.

But the PS3 itself?

I find it to be underpowered in terms of system software and the like, the PSN sucks, the features suck.

Games truly define the system, but at the same time it's nothing the other guys can't compete with.

ErSH said...

^i respect ur point of view and its good that u werent offended or defensive, cuz im not trying to start anything, just posting what i think.

fun is also relative... i agree, the wii can be really fun when in a group, but i dont think it has replay value, thats why i said i think its a phase. i find that i have the most fun with my ps3 on the other hand. but anyway, thanks for the comment!

Anonymous said...

I don't know why you hate the wii so much.
My Grandmother says it's really good.

ErSH said...

^i dont really know! my 5 year old nephew thinks the world of it too! haha!

Anonymous said...

Bluray discs are 25 gig for single layer, 50 gig for dual layer, just for the record.

Unknown said...

Great article! A lot of valid points.
About the storage on the discs question: HD-DVD has 15GB on 1 layer but it can have multiple layers so 1 disc can potentially store 30-60GB of data with more layers. The thing is that the 360 doesn't use HD-DVD:s for it's games. The HD-DVD drive was just an add-on for movies. Instead it uses, as a previous comment stated, DVD9:s which has twice the storage capacity of normal DVD:s ie 2x4.7GB=9.4GB.
The PS3 on the other hand uses Blu-ray for both games and movies. The storage capacity for BD discs are 25GB per layer and
8 layer discs (ie 200GB)are currently being developed.

Anonymous said...

Whats with all the "haha" after your comments? What are you... 5?

Get your facts right before you shoot your mouth off, this is just a bunch of crap dribble.

Rock Lee said...

Although I agree with your blog post, the 360 can not use HD-DVD for their games.

ErSH said...

the anonymous user must be an xbox360fanboy! aww, did the article hurt you? its okay, dont cry. but like i said, i own all 3, so i have to say that i can judge the 3 consoles pretty well dawgs.

ErSH said...

but in all seriousness, this article was done from our point of view. yes i admit there are some errors that i saw later on, like capacities or what the systems come with outta the box, but theres no point in making personal attacks. its our point of view and if you dont share it, defend your statements with ur facts then. dont make attacks to prove to me how immature you are.

Anonymous said...

what an absolutely ridiculous, uninformed piece of fanboy dribble.

- the 360 does not cost the same amount as the PS3 no matter where you look. here in australia you can buy 2 360s for the price of a 40gb PS3.

- the 360 doesnt use HD-DVD for games.

- your HD-DVD and Blu-Ray storage figures are way off the mark.

- storage space doesnt mean anything in regards to game quality or length.

- Street Fighter 4 looks better and runs at a higher resolution on the 360 than on the PS3.

- Resident Evil 5 looks MUCH better on the 360 and doesnt require a 5gb install like the PS3 version does. the framerate is also much better on the 360.

in conclusion - your'e an idiot.

Anonymous said...

What are you Sony's Bitch?

Anonymous said...

WHAT man i think you need some math class.
the arcade 360 in AU is $400 with NO EXTRAS.
the pro is 500AU WITH NO EXTRAS.
the elite is 650 AU WITH NO EXTRAS.
the ps3 80GB is 688 AU with 2 Dual shock 3's
2 games of choice.
and a HDMI cable from crest.
so last time i checked 2 times 4 or 5 or 6 is not 700 bucks stop being a complete blind xbot and accept that the ps3 is better value for money.

Anonymous said...

before you post you may want to do some research to prevent yourself from looking like a complete dumb xbot.
so it looks like your the 5 year old.

Anonymous said...

youve been KILLZOWNED.
sorry couldent help myself.

Anonymous said...

this is a horrible fanboy blog. I didn't read beyond the first few lines because it's nonsense. Comparing elite with the cheapest ps3, and bashing Nintendo that it's old tech. Luckily, i didn't lose my time reading it.

Anonymous said...

@ nick,

360 arcades have been available for $299 and less in Aus for months. JB has them at the moment for $349 with 4 games. dont believe me? go look at any shop - big w, kmart, jb hifi, for example.

or better yet - go to the official xbox website and look at the '$299 RRP' ;)

the 80gb PS3, according to, has a RRP of .... $699.

many places still have 40gb PS3s for sale. just because they release the 80gb doesnt mean they take all the remaining 40gb stock and throw them out lol. the stores keep them til they sell them, which in the PS3s case can be a while. at last count almost half of the total number of PS3s 'sold' in Australia were ones given away with the Bravia promotion! straight from sonys mouth.

the RRP of an 80gb PS3 is still $699. this is the same price as the discontinued 40gb.

PS3 = $699 (1 controller)
360 = $299 (1 controller)

if you arent too good with maths, ill help you out - $699/$299 = 2.33 = you could buy 2.33 360s for the price of a single PS3 in australia. FACT.

neither of those 2 consoles (arcade or 80gb) come with an HDMI cable, so they cancel each other out. neither of them come with a second controller either, unless the individual shop packages them in - but thats up to the shops.

its clear that youre a sony fanboy, but could you at least try and get your facts right? i mean seriously, get your mummy to drive you down to the shops and look at the prices at least!

and before you say anything - ive got both a launch 360 and a launch PS3.

so tell me, who got 'killzowned'?

Anonymous said...

im doing EMA EMB and im the one that needs maths help.
please dont kid yourself.
ps thought i should mention the ps3 80GB comes with 2 controllers and 2 games of choice at EB at the moment.

Anonymous said...


yes, you obviously do need maths help if you cant see that $699 is more than twice as much as $299.

youre doing EMA and EMB (whatever they are) - good for you - but it doesnt change the fact that you cant do simple mathematics as your posting on here has shown. take it from someone whos better at maths than youll ever be, and has a university degree or 2 to prove it ;).

EB might have that deal - but like i said, deals like that are UP TO THE INDIVIDUAL SHOP. its not a sony promotion, its an EB one. if you want to take individual shop promotions into account, Harvey Norman currently has a 360 + Halo Wars + another game + 5 Live Arcade games for $229. chuck another $64 at that for an official wireless controller and its still not even $300 - which is still $399 cheaper than the 80gb + 2 games + 2 controllers PS3 lol.

can you see how youre not doing yourself any favours in regards to your 'im good at maths' statement?

youre just making yourself look like more and more of an idiot with every post. so please, continue hahaha